The Essentials Center, is a leader of providing the highest quality of anger management sessions and information to court ordered and self referred individuals, private and public businesses, City, County, Government and High Profile clients.
The Essentials Center is also proud to be the anger management provider for the City of Miami Dade County Corrections TGK Boot Camp featured in "Rock and a Hard Place".
All sessions include assessment, take home workbooks, and certificates of enrollment and completion. Session formats include workshops, one on one coaching, or combined phone conferencing format. Whether you are a HR professional seeking employee assistance, an individual client, business professional or agent we have a program that is right for you.
Anger Management (Self Referred Clients)
Anger Management (Court Ordered)
Accelerated Anger Management
Employee Mandate Management
High Profile Anger Management
Parenting / Divorce Class (FL Mmandate)
Law Enforcement Anger Management
Couple's Conflict
Our nation was faced with unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. The pandemic is over, but the aftermath continues to haunt those affected by it. As an effort to move forward and rebuild here at the Essentials Center we understand that every break to necessary in the process. To convenience our clients we now offer complete virtual sessions to meet the needs of clients and busy schedules, both Zoom, and Telephonic sessions are available. We are here to help. As a community we will get through this challenging time together. God Speed.
Your brain is built to deal with stress that lasts about 30 seconds. The brain is not designed for long term stress. Long term stress will eventually turn into anger and no control. Stress damages virtually every kind of cognition that exists. It damages memory and executive functions and can impair motor skills.
Miami Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties
Local:(305) 517.3905
(954) 446.7550
Business Hours
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm
Saturday- Accelerated Classes
Closed Sundays
Call for appointment